Trinity E-News The Resurrection of Our Lord March 31

*Trinity E-News*
*+ The Resurrection of Our Lord +*
*March 31, 2024*

*3/25* ~ Holy Monday, 7pm
The Passion According to St. Matthew

*3/26* ~ Holy Tuesday, 7pm
The Passion According to St. Mark

*3/27* ~ Holy Wednesday, 7pm
The Passion According to St. Luke

*3/28* ~ Maundy Thursday, 7pm

*3/29* ~ Good Friday Chief Service, 12pm
Good Friday Tenebrae Service, 7pm

*3/30* ~ Easter Vigil, 8pm

*3/31* ~ Easter Sunday, 9am
Easter Sunday Feast, 11:00am

*Sunday Resources:*
Trinity Bulletin <>
Congregation At Prayer <>
News & Notes <>
*Sunday Notes:*
*No Catechesis*
*Sunday Readings:*
Old Testament: Job 19:23-27
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 5:6-8
Gospel: Mark 16:1-8
*Sunday Catechesis:*
+ The Gospel of John
*Wednesday Catechesis:*
+ The Book of Genesis
*Week of The Resurrection of Our Lord (March 31 – April 6, 2024):*
*Sunday *
+ 9:00 am Divine Service
+ *11:00 am Easter Feast*
+ 1:30 pm Spanish Service
+ *No Matins*
+ *No Matins*
*Wednesday *
+ *No Matins*
+ *No Catechesis*
+ *No Divine Service*
+ 7:00 pm Evening Prayer *(Pastor Metzger)*
*Thursday *
+ *No Matins*
+ *No Private Confession*
+ 7:00 pm Trustee’s Meeting
*Friday *
+ *No Matins*
+ *OMT Theological Reading Group*
*Tuesday, April 16 *(Trinity)
8:30 am Matins
9:15 am Reading Discussion
11:15 am Prayer
11:30 am Lunch
*Reading Assignment:* *Due:* Hahn, Scott, *The Lamb’s Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth*. New York, New York, Double Day, 1999. (163 pages)
We will start up again on *April 10*.

+ *Concordia Academy Wichita Gala*
If you are a Thrivent member and wish to share a Thrivent Action Grant card with Concordia Academy to assist in their upcoming gala on April 19, please contact Mrs. Carter at 316-202-8989.

Please see attachment concerning the CAW Gala

+ *Faith At Work*
*”Faith At Work* is gearing up for our community service event in April, and we need to finalize who we should be expecting and when. Please indicate your availability on the sign up sheets in the Narthex, and inform Keith of your T-shirt preferences on the sheet or via email as we have several more. We have narrowed our group activities to those who are currently being filled, so only sign up for new alternatives on the sheet if you can find at least a few compatriots! We need to know if you will be joining with CAW on the afternoon of the 7th to support a family fun neighborhood day, supporting a crisis pregnancy center in mid-weekday, working at a warehouse for children’s food needs, or providing a meal at the Ronald McDonald house on 4/27/24 starting at 5pm. Please email or speak to him for sign up. Anyone can also contribute to each of the opportunities any time you like, and those who really enjoy their experience can also *continue* to volunteer after April…” Keith Buhr

+ *Homemade Food To Share*
There is a refrigerator where the old Dr. Pepper soda machine was. Inside the fridge contains individual bags and containers of homemade food. *Any member who would like a home cooked item or wants to share with someone who could also use one, they are free to take.*
Feel free to take when needed or contact the office for more information.

+ *Are You A Dillons Shopper?* Designate Trinity as your Dillons rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to *designate Trinity every year* for this rewards program.
+ *Issues, Etc.*
*For the week of March 31*
SACRED MUSIC FOR THE EASTER SEASON… “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today,” “Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands,” “I Know That My Redeemer Lives,” “Awake, My Heart, with Gladness,” “He’s Risen, He’s Risen.” You can listen 24/7 to sacred music for the 50 days of the Easter season at <…>, TuneIn, Amazon Echo, Google Home, Apple HomePod and the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app. Listen Here <>
Trinity Lutheran Church <>
Concordia Academy Wichita Concordia Academy Wichita – Home <>
Kansas District LCMS LCMS Kansas District | ( <>
The Lutheran Church Missouri – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod <>
Eighth Day Books Eighth Day Books <>
Eighth Day Institute Welcome to Eighth Day Institute <>
Concordia Publishing House Home – Concordia Publishing House ( <>
Issues, Etc.
Luther Classical College Luther Classical College <>

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