Weekly Update for Grace & Trinity

26 December 2020
*The Festival of St. Stephen, the 2nd Day of Christmas*

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,
Merry Christmas!

This Sunday is
The Festival of St. John, the Apostle and Evangelist 
Revelation 1:1-6; 1 John 1:1-2:2; John 21:20–25

St. John was a son of Zebedee and brother of James the Elder (whose festival day is July 25). John was among the first disciples to be called by Jesus (Matthew 4:18-22) and became known as “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” as he refers to himself in the Gospel that bears his name (e.g., John 21:20). Of the Twelve, John did not forsake Jesus in the hours of His suffering and death. With the faithful women, he stood at the cross, where our Lord made him the guardian of His mother. After Pentecost, John spent his ministry in Jerusalem and at Ephesus, where tradition says he was bishop. He wrote the fourth Gospel, the three Epistles that bear his name, and the Book of Revelation. Especially memorable in his Gospel are the account of the wedding at Cana (John 2:1-12), the “Gospel in a nutshell” (John 3:16), Jesus’ saying about the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-16), the raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11) and Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene on Easter morning (John 20:11-18). According to tradition, John was banished to the island of Patmos (off the coast of Asia Minor) by the Roman emperor Domition. John lived to a very old age, surviving all the apostles, and died at Ephesus around ad 100*.
~Treasury of Daily Prayer  (20% off right now!)

*Join us at 8am at Grace and 11am at Trinity to celebrate the gifts our Lord gives through His servant, St. John.*

*Bible Study is at 9:30am at Grace. *We’re in chapter 11 of the Revelation of St. John. Please join us!

Those Serving at Grace & Trinity today…
Counters: the Schneiders
Greeters: the Smiths
Altar Guild: Sheryl Anderson
Ushers: Derrel Pressnell & Roger Zwemke
Elder: Scott Irwin

Counters: Jan & Jennifer
Greeters: the Unruhs
Ushers: Jim & Sandy
Altar Guild: the Nickels

*For those not able to join us in person*, here is the bulletin for Sunday to follow along with at home. Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account (Grace, Trinity). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time. Also, here are the news/notes and the congregation at prayer for Sunday.

*Coming up this week…*
· *Sunday: **The Festival of St. John*
o *8am *Divine Service, Grace
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Grace
o *11am *Divine Service, Trinity
o *2pm **Misa en Español, *Grace
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o *9am *Matins, Grace
· *Tuesday*: *Commemoration of David*
o *9am* Matins, Grace
o *7pm *Marriage & Family Class, Trinity
· *Wednesday: *
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *9:30am* Bible Study, Grace
o *11am *Divine Service, Grace (*we’ll resume our way through the Psalms*)
o *7pm *Evening Prayer, Trinity
· *Thursday: **New Year’s Eve – Eve of the Circumcision and Naming of Our Lord*
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *5:30pm *Divine Service, Grace
· *Friday: **Feast of the Circumcision and Naming of Our Lord*
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *4-5pm *Private Absolution, Trinity
· *Saturday (1/2): **Commemoration of J.K. Wilhelm Loehe*
o *6:30pm *EDI Nativity Feast, Trinity
· *Sunday (1/3): **2nd Sunday after Christmas*
o *8am *Divine Service, Grace
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Grace
o *11am *Divine Service, Trinity
o *2pm **Misa en Español, *Grace

*Looking Ahead…*
· *Jan 15-16 *~ EDI Symposium

*Other things…*
· Our services are all live-streamed on FB. If you don’t use that, but still want to see the Christmas Services, let me know! Also, the sermons are all on the website —enjoy!
· The *Newsletters *are ready! Click here for Grace and here for Trinity <>. This year we’ll begin a study of the Liturgy of the Word (the first part of the Divine Service). Also, here’s the Calendar <> (as usual, remember to sign up to our Google Calendar for the most accurate events…things change…)
· Beginning in January I’ll be teaching a class on the Prophets for the Seminary in the Dominican Republic (no, I don’t get to go down there…). I’ll be lecturing every Thursday morning over Zoom. This means that rather than having Matins at Grace on Thursdays, Pastor Lovett has agreed to offer it over at Immanuel. So, every Thursday at 9am, please join the saints over at Immanuel for Matins.
· Today begins the annual Christmas sale at Eighth Day Books—35% off all used books! (You may find me there…)

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life,

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